Walt Disney once said, "Animation offers a medium of storytelling which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages." This says a lot about the value of the medium in education. Below are some of the most reliable resources you can use to learn about educational animation online and explore tools and mediums that can best be used for and shared with students:
• Animation for Education – an incredible support system for educators that helps teachers and schools (primary to higher education) become more skilled and willing learners by making animation accessible.
• Voki – Voki adds an interesting twist to lecture and communication by allowing educators to create and use avatars that speak on their behalf. Voki can be used to record or type messages and then send or embed then on a particular site.
• Animwork – a guide to help educators learn more about how to use animation to teach. It includes basic animation principles and how to create good stories and which tools to use.
• Devolver – this quick animation tool features sleek backgrounds and bizarre characters that guide students through lessons and help educators make a point. Devolver also offers a unique interactive element that allows students to email educators about their interpretation of lessons and theories.
• GoAnimate for Schools – a quick and easy one-stop-shop for creating custom animations.
• Make It Share It – educators with a knack for drawing figures and cartoons will enjoy this online tool, which also allows quick and easy animation.
• Mixeek – Mixeek is a free software that enables users to design and create web animations based on programming languages like CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5.
• Animation for Education – an incredible support system for educators that helps teachers and schools (primary to higher education) become more skilled and willing learners by making animation accessible.
• Voki – Voki adds an interesting twist to lecture and communication by allowing educators to create and use avatars that speak on their behalf. Voki can be used to record or type messages and then send or embed then on a particular site.
• Animwork – a guide to help educators learn more about how to use animation to teach. It includes basic animation principles and how to create good stories and which tools to use.
• Devolver – this quick animation tool features sleek backgrounds and bizarre characters that guide students through lessons and help educators make a point. Devolver also offers a unique interactive element that allows students to email educators about their interpretation of lessons and theories.
• GoAnimate for Schools – a quick and easy one-stop-shop for creating custom animations.
• Make It Share It – educators with a knack for drawing figures and cartoons will enjoy this online tool, which also allows quick and easy animation.
• Mixeek – Mixeek is a free software that enables users to design and create web animations based on programming languages like CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5.